Business Information

Computers & The Law

Business Information,Legal Issues No Comments

I was watching an episode of the Good Wife and their files were being held for ransom. I thought it was something that was fictional, but when I was speaking to Marcus of ASCE Solutions I learned otherwise. He has helped businesses when they find their files held hostage- truly the only avenue is to pay.
What can be done?
Since 2010 Massachusetts required every business or individual who uses a Massachusetts resident’s personal information to have a Written Internet Security Program. Many people do not know about this requirement.
To start what is personal information?
(a) Social Security number;
(b) driver’s license number or state-issued identification card number; or
(c) financial account number, or credit or debit card number.
What WISP is requiring is that paper files are locked and their access is limited. For computer files they require firewalls, virus programs and if you backup then that needs to be secured, too.
You mention ransoms?
There are individuals that hack into computers and will hold files hostage. It has happened to many companies, but is not publicized. A case that was publicized was that of Swansea Police Department. They were forced to pay $750 in ransom earlier this month to hackers after a virus locked all of their computer files.
Meet the WISP protocols at least, but think about working with a technology expert. Adhering to the law is important, but being protected.
For more information on WISP:

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